You. For Yourself.

2 min readFeb 28, 2021


Photo from an article written by Andrew F

Turns out, we’re all addicted to, or driven to someone or something that is bound to either ruin us or rebuild us.
It’s a tendency, so hard-wired into us that we tend to go look for them; sometimes willingly.

Be it a person, who doesn’t love us back,
a memory that we shouldn’t hold on anymore to,
That one dream, that hasn’t and can never be a reality.
Or the never-ending what-ifs, that give you false hope, a false sense of security.

We know, we feel it and we see it coming light years ahead,
to just give us that jolt, that’d
shake us, shatter us, and bring us to the so-called reality.

Where the pain feels like pleasure,
Where everything makes sense and yet nothing does.
Where you’re walking around with your head ablaze.
Yet no one can see the flames.

Where you’re the only one, to get down,
And pick up the pieces, one by one,
Feeling the sting of the cuts, one by one
Braving it all.

For no matter what they say,
You’re the only one for you.
All. The. Way.

“The weirdest thing about the mind is that you can have a million things going on in there. Yet no one can see them. The world, just shrugs. They don’t know. They can’t.”

— Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive.




Part-Time Storyteller. Full-Time Cybersecurity Guy. I feel. I write. I share. (Views are absolutely personal. No endorsements.)