Friendships of Old

2 min readMay 28, 2021


I wonder where our memories have been
Surfacing all at once with a picture I’ve seen
I wonder where the warmth of our care is,
Our carefreeness, our dreams, and our feelings of bliss
I wonder if we found newer buddies and rested thus
Or are we simply looking for copies like us?

The memories of our craziness abuzz in my head,
I go to the past,
revisiting the blithe moments we had
And those of the ones so sad.

Together we’ve grown apart
Fooling ourselves, “it's just a start”
Making a choice, taking a path so long…
Pushing ourselves to grow, move along
We still do ask, what’s wrong?

I wonder if we are content,
with what or who we’ve found
But with none of us to share around,
Will the bliss stay alive that long?

I remember the promises made,
To be friends till the end.
The reminisces in the sun and
The thoughts in shade. Our long and
lazy walks till the horizon’s bend
I remember the fun we’ve had
Cracking jokes, Oh so bad!

I remember the peace that we all had
A sense of belonging, a bit or a tad
I remember and cherish the joy
We were best friends, a girl, and a boy.

But I’m content, for now, we have,
Been and grown,
Each in their own resolve
Building ourselves a legacy to leave
The time’s web, ready to weave

Pulled in different directions,
Leaving is easier now, but
Shrugging off is not. For
The day you turn back,
You will see our footprints
in the sands of time. The ones
For you to follow. Leading you back.

To the place where I’ll be sitting…
With another jingle, a parody
Or just another joke to crack.





Part-Time Storyteller. Full-Time Cybersecurity Guy. I feel. I write. I share. (Views are absolutely personal. No endorsements.)